Unfortunately, even more Mexican citizens have been slain at the hands of what local police believe to be rival cartels in Ciudad Juarez. The city is apparently on the drug smuggling route into the US, and the shooting occured at a party.
The bodies of the victims - whose ages reportedly ranged from 15 to 20 - lay scattered around the house.
Unnamed police officials told AP news agency that witnesses had counted at least 15 attackers.
"The men drove up in four SUVs, they were well-armed. They went into the house and shot at everyone, you could hear the gunfire all around," said a neighbor at the scene, quoted by Reuters news agency...But the campaign has done little to curb the bloodletting - more than 7,000 people reportedly died in Mexican drug-related violence last year.
Beheadings, attacks on police, and shootings in clubs and restaurants are a daily occurrence in some regions.
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